We have been migrating customers from OnBase since 2004.  We can assist you if you’re migrating from an on-premise or hosted environment.  The OnBase database is large and complex and we can help you navigate through it successfully.  Our conversion process and workflow will address all the following items when converting from OnBase:

  • Document Type Groups – Document Types and Keywords
  • Multi Instance Keyword Groups (MIKG)
  • Page ordering from disk
  • Creating multi-page documents from single page TIFF files
  • Decompressing COLD documents
  • Parsing individual documents from COLD Reports/Statement runs
  • Converting Annotation data

If you have made the decision to convert your legacy OnBase system please give us a call – we’ll help you do it quickly, efficiently and without putting an undue burden on your IT staff or users.  Moreover, we will make sure every last page is accounted for so you can sunset your legacy OnBase system with peace of mind.

OnBase conversions, Conversion Services, OnBase Migrations,  OnBase replacements, OnBase to ORACLE, OnBase to IBM CM, OnBase to AX, OnBase to Docupace, OnBase to AX

Tell us about your Conversion from OnBase!