Source System:               FileNet Image Services (IS + ANNOTATIONS)
Target System:                Hyland’s OnBase (On Premise)
Sector:                              State Government

Multiple Statewide Departments have 4matix Convert Legacy FileNet data to OnBase

A long-term partner and OnBase reseller reached out to 4matix for help migrating their customer’s multiple legacy FileNet systems.  In total – three FileNet systems used by four different departments – were migrated to OnBase – three of the four also migrated their legacy annotation data.  All told – approximately 32 TB’s of FileNet document data was moved over to the State’s on-premise OnBase Enterprise system.  Annotations were delivered as live updatable OnBase annotations.

Working through our partner – we engaged with the State to migrate this legacy FileNet data as multiple departments moved to the Statewide OnBase platform.  Departments included:
– Tax and Revenue
– Unemployment
– HR

During the migration – 4matix culled the FileNet data based on State provided retention rules.  This ensured that only the needed documents were migrated, speeding up the conversion, lowering the costs and reducing the long-term storage infrastructure of the OnBase implementation.  4matix provided the reseller details about the FileNet indexing structures (document classes and indexes) so that reciprocal document types and keywords could be created in OnBase.

In addition to providing the indexing structure of the legacy FileNet system – 4matix also listed, counted, and defined all the annotation data in FileNet.  This allowed the end user to understand what was being converted and how it would be stored and displayed in OnBase.  Annotation data was an integral part of the document lifecycles for these departments  – especially for Unemployment.  Being able to preserve this essential information was a critical success factor in the overall migration and solution as a whole.

4matix Contact:

David Blackburn
VP Sales
[email protected]

For more information about our FileNet Conversion offerings please visit – FileNet Conversions and Migrations – and for information about Conversions into OnBase – please visit here.  Our ECM data migration questionnaire can found here.