Source and Target ECM Platforms

Source System:               ApplicationXtender
Target System:                Hyland’s OnBase (CLOUD)

Source System:               LaserFiche
Target System:                Hyland’s OnBase (CLOUD)

eDocs reached out to 4matix to assist one of their customers with two legacy migrations.  4matix has had a long working relationship with Susan Ruttenberg – CEO of eDocs and she knew these projects were a good fit for 4matix.


eDocs’s client had two new customers coming online to their Enterprise OnBase Application and each had the need to convert their legacy ECM platform.  The first migration was from ApplicationXtender.  This 10M page system contained both image and highly compressed COLD data along with multiple types of annotations.  The annotations needed to be migrated into OnBase in a usable format.

4matix converted the proprietary AX annotations and provided them to eDocs for ingestion into OnBase via DIP.  Users opening a converted legacy document see an actual OnBase annotation/stamp in the exact same location as the original AX object.

Similar to the AX migration – the second onboarding customer used Laserfiche.  Thought there was no COLD data – there were annotations and stamps that again needed migrating.  These annotations were also converted into live OnBase annotations fulfilling the customer’s requirements.

eDocs managed all the OnBase work during the conversions.  This included setting up the appropriate document types, keywords and DIP processing along with creating OnBase annotations & stamps for the converted data to be imported to.  eDocs also reconciled each conversion assuring that all required documents were converted and successfully imported.

Too often customers are deterred from migrating their annotations – which is a huge mistake.  Annotations from knowledge workers contain valuable information often required under records retention or industry specific rules and regulations.  If you’re being told you cannot keep you annotation data – or are being forced into accepting a second copy document – send us a note – we can help.