Daunting Upgrade Costs – Poor Support?
Looking for an ImageRight Replacement?
4matix can help!
Whether you are looking to move your ImageRight – Legacy – .Net – Combo – data (Including File Marks, Page Marks, File Notes, Annotations, Relationships, T0-Dos, Diaries, Tasks) to a Insurance Only application or a COTS ECM package – we can help. We are a vendor neutral service provider that will allow you the freedom of choice. Don’t be held hostage to your legacy vendor or a new one just because of this conversion. We can convert all your ImageRight data for use in any new LOB or Imaging application. As with any system migration, execution and accuracy are paramount.
We have been performing these types of migrations over the last two decades and can apply those best-practices to your project. There is a significant opportunity when migrating a legacy system that should not be overlooked. A conversion often times allows you to fix mistakes of the past such as poor indexing rules or too many index variables. Documents can also be consolidated by document type, folder, drawer or other use characteristics. Incorporating related data sources into your new repository, such as linking LOB or ERP data can speed adoption and simplify use. This can also be a time to purge old data outside of its useful life or retention period.
If you have decided to replace ImageRight or are interested in exploring alternatives – 4matix is the right partner to do your ImageRight conversion. Please fill out our quick project description form, email ([email protected]), call (724.457.1886) or fill out our larger questionnaire to see how we can assist you in making your project a success,
Tell us about your project.